Industria Albisteak

Kablearen matxura puntua aurkitzeko metodoa


Gaur egun, matxurak neurtzeko erabili ohi diren metodoek batez ere erresistentziaren tamaina erabiltzen dute luzeraren proportzionala izatekokablea, use the bridge principle to measure the resistance between the end of the faulty kablea and the fault point, and compare it with the non-faulty phase, and then determine the distance to the fault point .

Kapazitantziaren zubiaren metodoa

Erabili kapazitantzia zubia zirkuitu irekia eta deskonexioa neurtzekokablea. When the kablea is open circuit, because the DC bridge measurement arm fails to form a DC path, the resistance bridge method will not be able to measure the distance to the fault. Only the capacitance bridge method can be used. And use the high-voltage bridge method to measure the leakage and high-resistance breakdown.

Uhin geldikorraren metodoa.

Mikrouhin bidezko transmisio linearen printzipioaren arabera, transmisio linearen uhin geldikorren erresonantzia fenomenoa akastuna probatzeko erabiltzen dakablea. Metodo hau egokia da erresistentzia txikiko eta zirkuitu irekiko matxurak neurtzeko.

Pultsuen metodoa.

Erabili DC tentsio altuko seinale iturria zuzenean pultsu seinaleak akastun nukleora igortzeko. Erabili tresna seinalea jasotzeko eta zehaztasunez kokatzeko.

 Combining the above method and technology application, 1. First determine the nature of the kablea fault, 2. Roughly locate, use the bridge method or the kablea fault locator to determine the distance of the fault point in meters. 3. Use DC high voltage signal source to directly transmit pulse signals to the faulty core. 4. Use underground kablea tester to accurately locate, and the error will not exceed half a meter.

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